Super Series SS 100
SGD 80.90
SGD 99.90
(19% OFF)
Head Heavy
Usually sells at SGD 89.90
Limited Time Price Drop
Super Series SS 100 usually sells for SGD 89.90. It's down SGD 9.00 from the usual selling price.
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Explore the superlative expanse with the Super series SS 100. This superlight striker comes with amplified frame strength and provides maximum force transmission. True to its name, this is a superior attacking racket built with high-quality graphite and superlight technology. Designed to give players precise racket control so they can execute a powerful play.
Product RangeSuper Series
Player TypeAttacking
Player LevelProfessional
Weight80 grams
BalanceHead Heavy
Shaft FlexibilityUltra Flexible
Shaft Thickness7
Racket Grip SizeG6
Maximum Racket Tension28 LBS (pounds)
MaterialCarbon Fibre
Frame ShapeDynamic Optimum Frame
Product Type
badminton racket / AYPS221 / 1824