Blade Pro
17% OFF
SGD 189.90
SGD 229.90
(17% OFF)
Usually sells at SGD 199.90
Limited Time Price Drop
Blade Pro usually sells for SGD 199.90. It's down SGD 10.00 from the usual selling price.
Express Shipping
Get it as soon as February 11, Tuesday when you choose Express Delivery at checkout.
Upgrade your pace and step up your game! Break your boundaries and join the league of pros. Used by international champions, this shoe is crafted with the best of Li-Ning’s technologies like Probar Loc, Tuff tip & Boom midsole. These supportive features effectively reduce energy loss during exercise and help players maintain a high level of athletic performance.
Weight330 grams
Player LevelIntermediate
Outsole TypeNon Marking Shoes
Product Type
badminton shoes / AYAT005 / 1814